Installation of replacement Ultimate Engine Oil Filter for Textron Lycoming and Teledyne Continental engines. (411 S/N 000 THRU 0126, S/N 0127 AND UP) (T188C S/N 03474 AND UP) (206 S/N 05030 AND UP) (207 S/N 05227 AND UP) (T207 S/N 05227 AND UP) (P21 0 SERIES S/N 278 AND UP) (180 S/N 53087 AND UP) (210 S/N 63373 - 63375 AND UP) (B19 SPORT)
Installation of replacement Ultimate Engine Oil Filter for Textron Lycoming and Teledyne Continental engines. (411 S/N 000 THRU 0126, S/N 0127 AND UP) (T188C S/N 03474 AND UP) (206 S/N 05030 AND UP) (207 S/N 05227 AND UP) (T207 S/N 05227 AND UP) (P21 0 SERIES S/N 278 AND UP) (180 S/N 53087 AND UP) (210 S/N 63373 - 63375 AND UP) (B19 SPORT)
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Issued
STC Date: 21/07/94
Responsible Office: Ft. Worth Special Certification Office (ASW-190), Tel: (817) 222-5190
Aerostar Aircraft Corporation