Remove South Wind 940 series combustion heater and install C&D Asociates TSO-C20 approved heater kit model CD35K or CD45K (310A (USAF U-3A) S/N 35000 trhu 35546, PA-23 S/N 23-1 and up, 27-1 thru 27-3049, 27-3051 thru 27-3053, PA-30 S/N 30-2 thru 30-401)
Remove South Wind 940 series combustion heater and install C&D Asociates TSO-C20 approved heater kit model CD35K or CD45K (310A (USAF U-3A) S/N 35000 trhu 35546, PA-23 S/N 23-1 and up, 27-1 thru 27-3049, 27-3051 thru 27-3053, PA-30 S/N 30-2 thru 30-401)
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Amended
STC Date: 29/03/04
Responsible Office: Chicago Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115C), Tel: (847) 294-7358
Cessna Aircraft Company, The