
STC Number
Contact Details


Single or dual Garmin GTN 750 and/or 650 panel mounted navigation, communication, and global positioning system units installed, operated, and maintained

Bombardier Learjet 24, 25, 28, 29
Bombardier Learjet 35, 36

Product Description

Single or dual Garmin GTN 750 and/or 650 panel mounted navigation, communication, and global positioning system units installed, operated, and maintained

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Amended
STC Date: 26/10/12
Responsible Office: Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100S), Tel: (425) 917-6400

Learjet Inc.

  • 24
  • 24A
  • 24B
  • 24B-A
  • 24C
  • 24D
  • 24E
  • 24F
  • 24F-A
  • 35
  • 35A (C-21A)
  • 36
  • 36A