EASA Validation of FAA STC ST02376CH (as amended by FAA on 24th June2010) regarding:Installation of a Rockwell Collins HF-9000 HF Radio System in accordancewith Armstrong Aerospace Master Data List, Doc. Number DC104-4033-00,Revision E, dated 27th May 2010, or later approved revisions FAA STC ST02376CH
EASA Validation of FAA STC ST02376CH (as amended by FAA on 24th June2010) regarding:Installation of a Rockwell Collins HF-9000 HF Radio System in accordancewith Armstrong Aerospace Master Data List, Doc. Number DC104-4033-00,Revision E, dated 27th May 2010, or later approved revisions
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Active
STC Date: 30/09/10
Responsible Office: