
STC Number
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Mechanical and electrical installations for Thales EFB solutionmountings in cockpit of A319/A320/A321This change to STCdefines an additional electrical configuration (GroupII), aquick release cable to cut-off the power (replacing a dedicatedswitch), and addition of the A321 NX Models.

Airbus A319
Airbus A320
Airbus A321

Product Description

Mechanical and electrical installations for Thales EFB solutionmountings in cockpit of A319/A320/A321This change to STCdefines an additional electrical configuration (GroupII), aquick release cable to cut-off the power (replacing a dedicatedswitch), and addition of the A321 NX Models.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 28/02/19
Responsible Office: