Assessment of Aircraft Compatibility with TPED’s on A330 Aircraft.Revision 01 : Revision of the approval following the use by theapplicant of the EASA CM-ES-003 Issue 1 (Guidance to Certify an Aircraftas PED tolerant), and modification of the associatedlimitation/conditions information, accordingly....
Assessment of Aircraft Compatibility with TPED’s on A330 Aircraft.Revision 01 : Revision of the approval following the use by theapplicant of the EASA CM-ES-003 Issue 1 (Guidance to Certify an Aircraftas PED tolerant), and modification of the associatedlimitation/conditions information, accordingly....
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 27/06/18
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