
STC Number
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Change to existing EASA STC EASA.R.S.01230 - NVG CompatibleLightingSystem - to extend the approved Night Vision Goggletypes to allowsingle pilot operations and to include the latest EC135 types. EASA.R.S.01230

Airbus Helicopters EC 135, H135

Product Description

Change to existing EASA STC EASA.R.S.01230 - NVG CompatibleLightingSystem - to extend the approved Night Vision Goggletypes to allowsingle pilot operations and to include the latest EC135 types.


Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 20/11/09
Responsible Office:

EC135 T1, EC135 T2, EC135 T2+
EC135 P1+, EC135 P2+