A330 MRTT FSTA Modification STC2Rev. 1 of the STC introduces the following changes:- Deletion of previous limitation no. 4 on Autoland / CAT III function- Replacement of temporaryconservative Noise levels by final values- Partial deletionof previous limitation no. 1 on occupation of seatsin the ae... EASA.A.S.03607
A330 MRTT FSTA Modification STC2Rev. 1 of the STC introduces the following changes:- Deletion of previous limitation no. 4 on Autoland / CAT III function- Replacement of temporaryconservative Noise levels by final values- Partial deletionof previous limitation no. 1 on occupation of seatsin the ae...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 9
STC Date: 18/01/19
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