A330 MRTT FSTA Modification STC1With the revision 1 of thisSTC a previous limitation on the occupationof medical stretchers has been deleted.With the revision 2 of this STC the role change capability isintroduced. Therefore, it is possible for an aircraft to move from themilitary register (INTA Tec... EASA.A.S.03608
A330 MRTT FSTA Modification STC1With the revision 1 of thisSTC a previous limitation on the occupationof medical stretchers has been deleted.With the revision 2 of this STC the role change capability isintroduced. Therefore, it is possible for an aircraft to move from themilitary register (INTA Tec...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 8
STC Date: 18/01/19
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