Fabrication of Honeywell International, Inc. (Honeywell) wheel assembly part number 2615901-1, Revision C, dated June 7, 2005 or later Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved revision and/or brake assembly part number 2615902-1, Revision C, dated July 15, 2005 or later FAA approved revision.
Fabrication of Honeywell International, Inc. (Honeywell) wheel assembly part number 2615901-1, Revision C, dated June 7, 2005 or later Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved revision and/or brake assembly part number 2615902-1, Revision C, dated July 15, 2005 or later FAA approved revision.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Issued
STC Date: 07/04/04
Responsible Office: Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100S), Tel: (425) 917-6400
Boeing Company, The