Honeywell JetWave™ Ka band for Falcon 50 and Falcon 900

STC for the global high-speed broadband connectivity solution.

Working with Honeywell's new JetWave™ Ka band system, StandardAero has completed an STC for Falcon 900/B/C/EX and Falcon 50 series aircraft. The multi-model STC for the new Honeywell JetWave Ka band Satcom System was fitted for a Falcon 900EX operator. In addition, required documentation has been submitted for EASA validation.

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Installation of a Honeywell Jetwave satcom

Installation of a Honeywell Jetwave satcom with associated Ka-Band Radome.

This modification removes the existing Ku-Band Radome and installs a new Ka-Band radome on the aircraft tail. It also installs the Honeywell JetWave SATCOM System.

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Installation of Honeywell JetWave Satcom System

Installation of a Honeywell JetWave Satcom System with associated Ka-Band Radome in accordance with StandardAero Master Data List 1033284, Revision (B), dated June 19,2018 or later FAA approved revision. 

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Upgrade of a TCAS V7.0 software to V7.1 software

Upgrade of a Traffic Collision Avoidance System V7.0 Software to V7.1 Software 

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Crash-Resistant Fuel Tanks AS350 / EC130

Designed in co-operation with Robertson Fuel Systems LLC, this FAA STC approved direct replacement primary fuel tank features a number of important safety enhancements, including the introduction of all-new modernized fuel retention technology and the strategic relocation of certain critical components to further enhance safety and ease of maintenance.

StandardAero is also working closely with Onboard Systems to ensure that the new retrofittable AS350/EC130 crash-resistant fuel tank remains compatible with Onboard’s industry-proven cargo swing solutions for the AStar family.

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Installation of a Honeywell DU-875 display in accordance with Standard...

April 2016:

StandardAero receives EASA approval for Installation of Honeywell  DU-875 displays on Falcon 900!!

FAA STC ST02837CH-D  / EASA  STC 10057930.  


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