Installation of dual Sperry EDZ-601/603 Electonic Flight Instrument Systems.
Manufacture and installation of a Supplemental Lighting System
Installation of Bendix/King KRA 10A Radio Altimeter System, KR 22 Market Beacon Receiver, KN 64 DME, and KA 33 Equipment Fan.
ONE ONLY STC, SN BB-41: Installation of the Bendix/King CAS 67A TCAS II System
Installation of dual Avionics UNS-1L Flight Management Systems using Collins EFIS 84.
Installation of Norton radome kit No. 2090XS.
Installation of replacement fuel cell assemblies
Install one, two, or three place side facing seat (frame only).
GARMIN GNS 430/530 upgrade for GPS approachDescription: Upgrade of existing GNS 430/530 for GPS approach and installation of annunciator panel EASA.A.S.01701
Installation of replacement fuel cell assemblies