The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of an APX-100 IFF/Mode 'S' transponder sytem.
Installation of the Raytheon IFF Mode S Transponder.
Installation of Grimes three light strobe Kit P/N 34-0116-1 and -2 as supplemental lighting.
Installation of Norton radome kit No. 2090XS.
Installation of Collins AP-103F/FD-108 autopilot/flight director system and related electronics.
Installation of Collins AP103F/FD108 autopliot/flight director system and related electronics.
Installation of Collins AP-103F/FD108 and AP-103F/FS108G,AP-103F/FD109G autopilot and flight director. (65-A90 WITH 90-4031 KIT)
Install one, two, or three place side facing seat (frame only).
Installation of replacement fuel cell assemblies