Fabrication of Onboard Systems Model 200-355-00 and 200-369-00 Cargo Hook...

Fabrication of Onboard Systems Model 200-355-00 and 200-369-00 Cargo Hook Fixed Provision Kits, Model 200-356-00 Cargo Hook Suspension Kit, and Model 200-357-00 Load Weigh Kit, in accordance with FAA Approved Onboard Systems Master Drawing List No. 155-160-00, Revision 2, dated September 27, 2011, or later FAA approved revision. Installation of the Onboard Systems Model 200-355-00, 200-356-00, 200-357-00, or 200-369-00 kits in accordance with FAA approved Onboard Systems Owners Manual 120-141-00, Revision 0, dated April 25, 2011, or later FAA approved revision. This modification must be inspected and maintained in accordance with section ATA 5 of FAA approved Onboard Systems Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Document 123-036-00, Revision 0, dated May 5, 2011, or later FAA approved revision, and Onboard Systems Cargo Hook

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