In order to provide a solution to replace obsolete Honeywell CD800, CD 810 and CD820 FMS controllers, Jet Aviation has achieved an AML STC to replace this controller with Honeywell’s latest LCD touchscreen technology CD830 giving equivalent functionality at much improved reliability.
Dual transponder system ADS-B upgrade in Part 25 aircraft
Duncan Aviation is proud to partner with ACSS to participate in the launch of the NXT-700 transponder and the development of the Approved Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).
The NXT-700 is a Mode S transponder that satisfies the DO-260B mandate for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), and the AML STC will include more than a dozen legacy aircraft models.
Those models include:
· Beechcraft Hawker 125-400, 600 and 700
· Beechcraft Hawker 400 SP/Beechjet, Early 400 Series
· Gulfstream IIB, III and V
· IAI Westwind 1124
· Textron Aviation CitationJet, Ultra, V, VII and 550
· Learjet 31A, 35, 35A, 36 and 36A
· Dassault Aviation Falcon 10, 20, 50, 200, 900 and 900B
· Bombardier CL-6013A and 3R
ACSS Offers NXT-700 ADS-B Compliant Transponder for Legacy Corporate Aircraft
ACSS, an L-3 and Thales Company, has developed an ADS-B transponder solution for legacy corporate aircraft, the NXT-700. This next-generation Mode S transponder will satisfy the DO-260B mandate for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) on many legacy aircraft models and will reduce owner/operator costs, as well as downtime, because it is a “one-quarter ATR short” form-fit installation.
Installation of a Honeywell LSZ-860 Lightning Sensor System
Installation of a Honeywell AIS-2000 Satellite TV System
Installation of a True North Simphone System with Global SwiftBroadband. Certification Basis The Certification Basis (CB) for the original product remains applicableto this certificate/ approval.The requirements for environmental protection and the associatedcertified noise and/ or emissions levels of the original product areunchanged and remain applicable to this certificate/ approval. Limitations -,,Standard Aero Master Data List, ref.doc. 1021093, Revision D, dated16th December 2011;-,,FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, ref. doc. 1021218,Revision A, dated 16th December 2011;-,,Airworthiness Limitations specified in Standard Aer (...) Conditions Prior to installation of this design change it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this design change and any otherpreviously installed design change and/ or repair will introduce noadverse effect upon the airworthiness ofthe produc (...)
Reconfiguration of a Cabin Floorplan Arrangement Certification Basis The Certification Basis for the original product remains applicable tothis certificate/ approval.The requirements for environmental protection and the associatedcertificated noiseand/ or emissions levels of the original product areunchanged and remain applicable to this certificate/ approval. Limitations -FAA STC ST03038CH-D issued 19th December 2011-Installationin accordance with Standard Aero Master Data List - MDL1021004, Revision H, dated 19th December 2011or later revisions of the above listed documents approved by EASA inaccordance with EASA E (...) Conditions 1. The installer must determine whether this design change is compatiblewith previously approved modifications.2. If the holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificateto alter the product, the holder shall give the other person writt (...)
Installation of Provisions for Dual Electronic Flight Bags