Honeywell JetWave KA-BAND satcom system on A320 series aircraft CEO and NEO

 This STC­ is using the latest generation of EAD Aerospace Satcom Universal Mounting System (SUMS) which provides the customer with access to the Inmarsat GX Aviation service, offering high-speed in-flight connectivity to the passengers via their wireless devices.

 SUMS has been installed and certified since 2014 on A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, B777-200, B777-300, B747 and B737NG and MAX (coming soon)

FAA validation of this STC available 

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ARINC 791 FlightGear™ Ka/Ku Universal Installation

Carlisle Interconnect Technologies, in a partnership with Saint Gobain Performance Plastics, now offers a complete ARINC 791 solution for Ka- and Ku-band SATCOM installations. The complete package contains everything required for either retrofit or forward fit installations on large jet aircraft. Installation fittings are adjustable to cover the complete range of aircraft frame spacing while providing discrete interface loads to the fuselage. The aerodynamic fairing follows the fuselage curvature without requiring a large installation doubler, sealants, or fasteners through the aircraft skin.

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Underwater Locator Device - ULD - Fokker Services

Events related to aircraft missing over oceanic areas have led to several new requirements, amongst which is the introduction of a long-range Underwater Locator Device (ULD).

The ULD low frequency (8.8kHz) technology is used to increase the range at which aircraft submerged wreckage can be located.

It will be mounted on the aircraft structure free of sound absorbent materials and not in wing sections or empennage. The installation is in accordance with ARINC specification 667, which describes the removal, installation and maintenance aspects of an ULD installation.

Note that the ULD is not to be confused with the Underwater Locator Beacons (ULB) as installed on the CVR and FDRs. The ULD is complementary to the ULB and is mounted to the aircraft structure.

ICAO states that by January 1st 2018 aircrafts flying long range over water with a MTOW>27.000 kg must be equipped with an ULD. Long range over water is determined by the exceedance of the distance from a suitable emergency landing spot. The distance corresponds to 120 min at cruise speed or 400NM whichever is the lesser.

EASA states that by January 1st 2019 Passenger aircraft flying long range over water with a MTOW>27.000 kg and cargo aircraft with MTOW > 45.500kg must be equipped with an ULD. Long range over water is determined by a distance >180 NM from shore.

CARS 121 MOS 11.64 states that aircraft with a MTOW>27.000 kg carrying a life raft should have an ULD by December 2, 2023.

Other authorities have accepted similar rules.

Contact Fokker Services for other aircaft types.

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This STC­ – which is also an EASA AML-STC (Aircraft Modification List) – is using the latest generation of EAD Aerospace Satcom Universal Mounting System (SUMS) which provides the customer with access to the Inmarsat GX Aviation service, offering high-speed in-flight connectivity to the passengers via their wireless devices.

 SUMS has been installed and certified since 2014 on the A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, B777-200, B777-300, B747 and B737NG and MAX (coming soon)

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Honeywell JetWave KA-BAND satcom sytem on A330

After obtaining its first Ka-Band STC in September 2016 on A319/A320/A321, EAD Aerospace, an Eclipse Company released a Ka-Band STC for A330 series aircraft for airline or private aircraft configuration. It has installed the Satcom Universal Mounting Systems (SUMS) for Ka-Band Antenna as a part of the installation of the GX JetWave Ka-Band BroadBand Satellite System (from Honeywell) on A330 series aircraft. 

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WIFI AIR TV is an easy to install solution, offering passengers In Flight Entertainment and Connectivity on board.

Passengers will be able to upload any program or movie from a catalogue using WIFI Technologies’ WIFI Cabin Network. Applications self-upload under Windows, iOS or Android on their computers, tablets and smartphones. News and events information are updated automatically in 3G/4G before take-off.


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Honeywell JetWave KA-BAND satcom system on A340

After obtaining its first Ka-Band STCs on A319/A320/A321 and A330 series aircraft, EAD Aerospace, an Eclipse Company has just obtained (October 2017) an EASA A340 series aircraft STC for airline or private aircraft configuration. It has installed the Satcom Universal Mounting Systems (SUMS) for Ka-Band Antenna as a part of the installation of the GX JetWave Ka-Band BroadBand Satellite System (from Honeywell) on A340 series aircraft. 

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EFB Solution for iPad® (EASA and FAA Certified)

FAA:  ST03700NYEASA: 10046185FAA STC EFB 737 ST03939NY

Fokker Services has joined forces with Navtech, Jepessen and Dynamicsource AB, leading providers of flight operations solutions, and developed an EFB solution for iPad® installation that may revolutionize the way we navigate our skies. Technology moves quickly, and at Fokker Services it is our policy to stay ahead of the game. We design and launch more than 300 aircraft modifications every year, believing that even an already functioning product can be improved on. In recent years Apple has captured the hearts of the consumer with their innovative thinking, whilst Navtech represent quality and credibility within the aviation industry. Combined with the history and experience at Fokker, the development of such an innovative yet simple solution felt like a natural progression. Service providers today are under a lot of pressure to meet growing demands. Products must be efficient, safe, cost effective, user and environmentally friendly; Our EFB installation is ticking all the boxes and is available for most aircraft types, including Airbus, Boeing, ATR, Bombardier Challenger & CRJ Family, Embraer, Fokker and others. 

Over 1300 installations and upgrades have been ordered

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Honeywell JetWave KA-BAND satcom system on B777

This STC­ is using the latest generation of EAD Aerospace Satcom Universal Mounting System (SUMS) which provides the customer with access to the Inmarsat GX Aviation service, offering high-speed in-flight connectivity to the passengers via their wireless devices.

SUMS has been installed and certified since 2014 on A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, B777-200, B777-300, B747 and B737NG and MAX (coming soon)

FAA validation of this STC available 

It has installed the Satcom Universal Mounting Systems (SUMS) for Ka-Band Antenna as a part of the installation of the GX JetWave Ka-Band BroadBand Satellite System (from Honeywell) on B777 series aircraft. Applicable on B777-300 and B777-200 models.

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Honeywell JetWave KA-BAND satcom system on B747

After obtaining its first Ka-Band STCs on A319/A320/A321 and A330 series aircraft, EAD Aerospace, an Eclipse Company is close to obtain an EASA B747-400 series aircraft STC for airline or private aircraft configuration. It has installed the Satcom Universal Mounting Systems (SUMS) for Ka-Band Antenna as a part of the installation of the GX JetWave Ka-Band BroadBand Satellite System (from Honeywell) on B747-400 series aircraft. 

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