
STC Number
Contact Details


Replacement of existing SAFT Ni-Cad. battery with Concorde lead acidbattery RG-350.Note: this STC is issued for the purpose of transfering STC No. 10028452from Airalpha A/S (DOA 21J.268) to new STC holder Scandinavian AvionicsDesign GmbH (DOA 21J.014)

Airbus Helicopters EC 120, H120

Product Description

Replacement of existing SAFT Ni-Cad. battery with Concorde lead acidbattery RG-350.Note: this STC is issued for the purpose of transfering STC No. 10028452from Airalpha A/S (DOA 21J.268) to new STC holder Scandinavian AvionicsDesign GmbH (DOA 21J.014)

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: REV. 1
STC Date: 12/12/12
Responsible Office: