Revision of EASA.A.S.02752 Rev.4 per Major Change 0010002741-001:Operation at 8.99 psi maximum cabin differential pressure (Lower CabinAltitude, LCA)Original STC Title: Design and Implementation of VIP interior andmiscellaneous aircraft systems.
Limitations: Once LCA is activated (installation of FAA STC ST01697SE as validatedper EASA STC
10042295) on an individual aircraft, the maintenancerequirements defined in Doc A-00-
07/784-ICA will apply for the life ofthis aircraft. This limitation remains valid also in.
Conditions: Prior to installation of this modification it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this modification and any other previouslyinstalled modification and / or repair will introduce no adverse effectupon the airworthiness
of the product.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level: REV. 5
STC Date: 3-12-2012
Responsible Office:
B737-700 IGW