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Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast (ADS-B) is the replacement and augmentation of RADAR-based aircraft surveillance technology. With ADS-B, the surveillance of aircraft does no longer rely on RADAR ground stations, but on aircraft based GPS receivers. Aircraft equipped with ADS-B broadcast their precise position and velocity data, as well as altitude and supportive information automatically and with no pilot or external input to ATC or to other aircraft.

Your needs

As ADS-B becomes mandatory in nearly all airspaces worldwide from 2020 onwards, the time has come to get your fleet prepared in order to be still eligible entering your desired airspace without restrictions.

Still, thousands of aircraft need to be modified with ADS-B. As the deadline approaches and the capacity is limited, act now and reserve your slot. Do not risk an expensive downtime of your aircraft.

Your benefits

  • Closer aircraft spacing in IFR environment

  • Enhanced use of optimal flight levels and routes

  • Improved capacity of congested airspace

  • Direct routings through ADS-B only airspaces

  • Provision of ATC services in remote areas

  • Will keep air navigation service fees moderate as well as reduce fuel costs

  • Significant increase of Safety

  • Environmental sustainability by reduction of CO2 emission

Airbus A330
Airbus A340

Product Description

Lufthansa Technik offers you a complete and sophisticated solution tailored to your needs.

This change activates ADS-B Out in accordance with RTCA DO-260B. Simultaneously the changed Elementary- and Enhanced Surveillance requirements are implemented in order to fulfill the FAA and EASA mandates. 

The existing Mode S Elementary Surveillance (ELS) and Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) ATC Transponder System is upgraded by replacement of the existing ATC Transponders.

The ADS-B failure annunciation will be activated.

Additionally, the required pin programming and the activation of the existing wire provisions is performed.

Furthermore, Lufthansa Technik provides you with all necessary equipment, tools as well as  services like certification, project management, logistics and worldwide mobile installation services, as for example in three independent night shifts.

Your benefits

  • Closer aircraft spacing in IFR environment

  • Enhanced use of optimal flight levels and routes

  • Improved capacity of congested airspace

  • Direct routings through ADS-B only airspaces

  • Provision of ATC services in remote areas

  • Will keep air navigation service fees moderate as well as reduce fuel costs

  • Significant increase of Safety

  • Environmental sustainability by reduction of CO2 emission