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n the event of an emergency, the Beacon Locating System will greatly assist rescue operators to find the aircraft, greatly increasing the time the crew are found and put to safety. The SAR DF 517 homing system provides the flight crew with a visual display of bearing and distance to activated emergency homing beacons as well as allowing audio reception. The SAR DF system is compatible with 121.5/156.8/ 243/406MHz emergency beacon systems. If the activated beacon is a 406 MHz type, the SAR DF 517 will also decode the data signal that is sent. The benefits of the Becker SAR system are the decoding of 406 MHz burst transmissions to provide a positive ID of targets and compact cockpit display

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Sikorsky Helicopters S-76

Product Description

Installation of a Becker SAR DF 517 Homing System

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Issued
STC Date: 02/04/12
Responsible Office: New York Aircraft Certification Office (ANE-170), Tel: (516) 228-7300

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

  • S-76A
  • S-76C

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