Airbus A320-232 VIP Conversion.
Limitations: Refer to Limitations section of the approved AFM Supplement:A320-CAI-AFM-S- APPROVAL issue 1, dated 15th March 2011.
Remarks: The aircraft type, model and manufacturer serial number for which this change is applicable is: Airbus A320-232.
Conditions: Prior to installation of this modification it must be determined that the interrelationship between this modification and any other previously installed modification and/or repair will introduce no adverse effect upon the airworthiness of the product.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level: n/a
STC Date: 18-3-2011
Responsible Office:
AIRBUS A320-232
Conditions: Prior to installation of this modification it must be determined that the interrelationship between this modification and any other previously installed modification and/or repair will introduce no adverse effect upon the airworthiness of the product.