Modification STC.34.001.11 Version A for VFR - Installationof GNS 430Wfor VHF1/NAV1/ILS1/GPS1, AN/ARC 210 for VHF2, BXP6401 for XPDR Modes S,Sky Connect for Iridium Sat Phone, Motorola DM3600 for UHF FM.Rev. 1: Amendment of the configuration to add Version B for IFR -Installation of GNS 430W for VH...
Modification STC.34.001.11 Version A for VFR - Installationof GNS 430Wfor VHF1/NAV1/ILS1/GPS1, AN/ARC 210 for VHF2, BXP6401 for XPDR Modes S,Sky Connect for Iridium Sat Phone, Motorola DM3600 for UHF FM.Rev. 1: Amendment of the configuration to add Version B for IFR -Installation of GNS 430W for VH...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 3
STC Date: 03/07/14
Responsible Office:
AS355 F2