
STC Number
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Replacement of Cockpit Communication Unit (CCU) and Radio Control Unit(RCU) by Centralized Radio Control (CRC).This STC will modify the communication system by changing equipments,mating connectors, and wiring.
Limitations: The current STC needs specific aircraft configuration as a prerequisite:To install this STC on A310-304 aircraft models,
embodiment of EASA STCref: 10013946, Rev
1 - previously referenced as EASA STC EASA.A.S.00403-(or any further EASA approved revision) i.
Conditions: Prior to installation of this modification it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this modification and any other previouslyinstalled modification and/ or repair will introduce no adverse effectupon the airworthiness
of the product.

Airbus A310

Product Description

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level: REV. 1
STC Date: 9-12-2010
Responsible Office:
