The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Replacement of right front seat with stretcher.
Installation of Whelen Anti-Collision Strobe Light Systems, Part Number 01-0770006-( ), 01-0770028-( ), 01-0770029-( ), 01-0770062-( ), 01-0770900-( ), and 01-0771055-( ), as replacement for originally installed anti-collision lights.
Installation of fuel flow/pressure instruments. (W/TSIO-360-MB1)
Installation of Parmetheus Plus LED PAR36 and PAR46 taxi and landing lights.
Replacement of existing landing and/or taxi light reflector and bulbs with high intensity discharge (HID) lighting systems.